How can we use Multimedia?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What is Multimedia?
Wikipedia defenition - Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. Multimedia includes a combination of textaudiostill imagesanimationvideo, and interactivity content forms.

Zahir Definition -  Multimedia is a type of media that we use to present information using pictures, music and such. Instead of the boring essays and such.

Why should we use Multimedia?
- Essays are boring. Writing hurts people's hands.
- It's more interactive and engaging.
- Creating a multimedia is much more fun and more informative.

How can you use Multimedia in your individual project?
- It can be very useful to show one perspective for an independent project.
- Multimedia such as Diaries and such; would really make your views very clearly. 

Examples of Multimedia.
- Performances - Skits involving your point of view. EG. A skit involving senior citizens about senior citizens.
- Video, Audio or Graphic - a Video, including interviews with several different people about the DP? 

Human Trafficking and Slavery.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Human Trafficking is when humans are being sent to a location illegally. They are usually smuggled into the country like cattle, with not much on their backs and only the clothes they are wearing.

This is used for Human Slavery. Human Slavery is when the people who are usually trafficked from a country in order to work for people with low or no pay and are mistreated.

This is a video to show you what is Human Trafficking and Slavery  :

So why do people do it in the first place?

Most people are out to get businesses. In order to start a business there is need for workers. With Human Trafficking there is no effort to take care of the workers and pay for the workers.  This will actually  make sure that the profits are not hindered by anything and they get 100% of the profits. There are also reasons such as such industries like Drug and Sex are not fond upon in this world this is why people are forced.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Humans are the creatures that , in this moment controlling the Earth. Humans are creating new technology, creating new life and many other activities. Humans have emotions and they also have the ability to question things. They are able to judge what is wrong or right. They have thoughts which leads to great ideas. But, What makes us human? Are we any different from the animals before us?