Well a few days ago i posted how to conserve, and someone commented that i haven't put up explanation.. well now I will just for their sake or I will lose followers.....
1) If you put too much of water inside stuff and over fill it, you waste water that could be used for something esle, you could use it to give to children that need it, don't you care about children?
2) It's easier to put water in the refrigiator instead of putting ice because ice = water and water = gold, do you want to lose gold, and again... don't you care about the children that are thirsty?
3) Like No.1 you shouldn't waste water, because did you know that only 3% of the Earth's water is pure, if we lose that 3% , we will see who is laughing when I will not waste water and you will be drinking poison. :O (joking.. I will share the water, since I care bout the children)
4) In normal toilets there is a full flush and half flush, as the name says.. full flush is when you use all of the water and half flush is when you use half of the water, do not use full flush when you just took a nice little no 2. Think about the water wasted and the children.
5) The AC is a very good device to waste water, sometimes it is needed in hot weather but you shouldn't use it all the time, because not only does it hurt the water supply of earth, it releases greenhouse gases which hurts our Earth, so this time.. not only you care about the children... care about our Earth.
I hope this helped people who are very grumpy ... and now I will let you see a sweet pics :O and think about the

Money for my thoughts :P