DP - Death Penalty

Monday, March 7, 2011
The Death Penalty is a punishment that is given to people that usually have a committed a crime very server in the law of the land. Usually the penalty is irreversible and there is not much opposition as soon as the punishment is set. There are people who believe that it should be abolished and people who say that we should keep.

People who wish for the Death Penalty to be abolished have good points such as
- Many if not all countries are under a Universal Law specifying the rights of every human and implementing the DP is taking out one of the most important rights which is the right to life.
- Sometimes the Innocent are punished and since the PD is irreversible then it is a bad and inhuman to kill a innocent person.
- It can be said from some points of views that the DP does not stop crime and does not act as a deterrent for crime due to the fact that there are many reasons to commit crime such as being poor, the enforcement being bad and most probably the ignorance of information.

People who do not wish for the Death Penalty to be abolished say such as but not limited to
-It is plain murder, an eye for an eye will make the world blind. Even revenge has it's consequence.
-Everyone should have a right to life. This was included in the Declaration of Human Rights created by the UN.
- The enforcement will slack off and this will create problems.


Lena Hansen at: March 9, 2011 at 7:17 PM said...

Very informative and I understand your views.

bryan1.0 at: March 9, 2011 at 7:22 PM said...

in detail but I don't know what's your opinion on death penalty. Aren't you're suppose to have a conclusion??

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