Eye Witness Accounts, Can they be trusted?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Eye Witness Accounts.They are known to help a lot of criminal cases to be solved around the world but are they reliable? Eye witness accounts are also one of the biggest causes for wrongful conviction.

To an extent, there is reasons why eye witness accounts are very good for convictions. First of all, it could be the only evidence that the prosecution has. There are also accounts where the people actually remember and it really helps the case. Finally even though some parts of the accounts are wrong, even if they are 80 -90 % right it will really help the enforcement to find the culprit.

The eyewitnesses accounts can also be unreliable when the witness is distracted or there is a mistake. One huge problem is the fact people have certain prejudices.


YEN Nicole at: March 23, 2011 at 6:58 AM said...

Very insightful and certainly a interesting picture. But a lil longer will do no harm. (:

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