Crime , My thoughts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crime is basically when people break the law that has been set. There is a lot of crimes today in this world and in my opinion, will never end. This is why CSI will never run out of seasons because there is always going to be crime.

Crime affects everyone, and everything around it. For example , when someone robs a place it is not only the robber is affected, but also the innocent people that are either being used as a hostage, being killed or even raped. This is all affecting the environment that we live in. Crime also affects how people look at others, no matter what crime they do there is always going to be people who will look at you at disgust and wonder why are you not in jail.

Crimes are caused by many things. They usually come from 3 of these things. Desperation, Forced (peer pressure) or Home. Desperation is a cause for crimes more than ever today due the the raging economy. There is a lot of people who tend to rather live the simple life and not think about the future only to find themselves to a point where they will do anything for money. In certain places of the world there is a lot of people who are forced. Home also affects how people are behaving. If they do not have a role model and someone to guide them , they will be more prone to crime.

Money For My Thoughts


Nexus at: March 16, 2011 at 8:04 PM said...

Your final paragraph raises some interesting points could you explore the ideas further? Is there any evidence to support your views? Do you think your view would be shared by peers, a national or global view?
Miss Suzy :D

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