
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

‘Offences’ List

Indiviual List
1) Driving under the influence of drugs
2) Drink driving
3) Shoplifting
4) Being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
5) Breaking into a car
6) Solvent abuse
7) Picking a fight
8) Shouting racist abuse
9) Urinating against a wall
10) Doing a paper round at the age of 11

Group List
10) Doing a paper round at the age of 11
9) Urinating agaisnt a wall
8) Shouting Racist abuse
7) Picking a fight
6) Shoplifting
5) Being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
4) Breaking into a car
3) Shoplifting
2) Drink driving
1) Driving under the influence of drugs.

A. Did you find rating the offensces easy or diffuicult as an individual? It was easy done. Why? It was easy because I have seen alot of these crimes.

B. Did you find rating the offences easy or difficult in a group? It was difficult. WHy? Because Nicole is very picky.

C. What offences caused the most conflict/discussion? Shoplifting Why? This is because that I beleive that shoplifiting should be a higher offence but other people are very stubborn :(

D. What factors do we need to consider when looking at people's perceptions of crimes/offences? We need to see if they had experienced it before, or they have people who know. Also we need to look where they are from and thier background

Which of these are crimes?
Driving under the influence of drugs
Drink- Driving
breaking into a car
shop lifting
shouting racist abuse

Which of them are victimless?
Solvent Abuse

What kinds of punishment would you give to these offences?
Community Service
Threaten them with a bigger punishment next time
Lock them up for a day or a week.

Money For My Thoughts


Nexus at: March 16, 2011 at 8:09 PM said...

Not your usual level of development here Zahir. What are the lists? Why are they here? What do you think has affected your views? Why was there conflict in your group? Did other people's opinions sway your opinions in any way? Why or why not?

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