Law and Criminality.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Law. Many people respect it. Who wouldn't? It's something every society needs, a light that beacons a better way into the future. But like all light, there is always a shadow or darkness within it. This darkness which I speak of is Crimes. There are a number of people, who break the law. Who do not wish to respect it or follow it. For whatever reason, breaking a law is a crime.

When you think further, is the law a divine order from God? No it isn't, it is created by humans to keep people in check, to make sure they do not cause havoc. The law is not complete justice. Like everything that is important in this world, it is used over and over again, for good reasons and bad reasons. For example , the law in a good light is when a person has murdered a human being and is punished to life in prison this is justice. In other examples though.. the law could help destroy a elder woman's bank account due to a high cooperate company wishing to gain all it's profits. This is why Law is not always justice.

Justice is not Law either, because Justice is about being fair. Law is not always about being fair. People do not just use Law to create justice. Most people who do not believe that law is justice creates their own brand, most of the time it is in a bad context. For example, a man who had no idea about law just lost alot of his money because people stole it. His brand of justice would be to either harm them or kill them, just to take his money back.

Finally, Law has flaws. Law isn't perfect, it was created by humans and by past history, no human is perfect. There is many examples when Law is flawed and I have explained them before. Law is like a clock, it needs it's springs and clockworks to work and this comes from evidence presented. Law is run by humans and evidence can be twisted and abused. So a murderer can walk away free, a child molester home by tomorrow and a bank robber out in a week. All this due to not enough evidence and us humans not being able to lock them up. This is why us humans need to work together, to make sure we will always respect the law, no matter the situation. Because if we do not, our world will always be in turmoil.

Money For My Thoughts


Nexus at: March 16, 2011 at 7:45 PM said...

A great introduction Zahir :D You have outlined your personal perspective and supported with examples. Some interesting ideas are developing and I look forward to seeing how you expand these. Start thinking about the kinds of questions you might use in your independent project :D
Target: Re-read your work and check grammar and sentence structure. Think about how the 'national' and 'global' views might compare and contrast with your own.

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