How can we use Multimedia?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What is Multimedia?
Wikipedia defenition - Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. Multimedia includes a combination of textaudiostill imagesanimationvideo, and interactivity content forms.

Zahir Definition -  Multimedia is a type of media that we use to present information using pictures, music and such. Instead of the boring essays and such.

Why should we use Multimedia?
- Essays are boring. Writing hurts people's hands.
- It's more interactive and engaging.
- Creating a multimedia is much more fun and more informative.

How can you use Multimedia in your individual project?
- It can be very useful to show one perspective for an independent project.
- Multimedia such as Diaries and such; would really make your views very clearly. 

Examples of Multimedia.
- Performances - Skits involving your point of view. EG. A skit involving senior citizens about senior citizens.
- Video, Audio or Graphic - a Video, including interviews with several different people about the DP? 

Human Trafficking and Slavery.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Human Trafficking is when humans are being sent to a location illegally. They are usually smuggled into the country like cattle, with not much on their backs and only the clothes they are wearing.

This is used for Human Slavery. Human Slavery is when the people who are usually trafficked from a country in order to work for people with low or no pay and are mistreated.

This is a video to show you what is Human Trafficking and Slavery  :

So why do people do it in the first place?

Most people are out to get businesses. In order to start a business there is need for workers. With Human Trafficking there is no effort to take care of the workers and pay for the workers.  This will actually  make sure that the profits are not hindered by anything and they get 100% of the profits. There are also reasons such as such industries like Drug and Sex are not fond upon in this world this is why people are forced.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Humans are the creatures that , in this moment controlling the Earth. Humans are creating new technology, creating new life and many other activities. Humans have emotions and they also have the ability to question things. They are able to judge what is wrong or right. They have thoughts which leads to great ideas. But, What makes us human? Are we any different from the animals before us?

12 Angry Men (1957) REVIEW

Monday, March 21, 2011

12 Angry Men (1957)

The stars of the movie 12 Angry Men (1957) starred Henry Fonda, Lee J Cobb with many others.

The story involves 12 Jurors who has to decide whether to send a person to death for murder, or believe that he did not do it. This leads to one Juror going agaisnt the other to prove that the defendant is innocent. Beliefs are challenged and the truthfulness of eye witnesses are tested.

The Best Bits, for me was when Juror No.8 talked about the fact that the knife could be found anywhere. The part where the old man talks about the other old man who was an eye witness was very interesting to me and made me wonder if the eye witnesses are actually telling the truth or trying to get on the new paper.

My Favorite Juror is No 8.  At first people thought that he was a business salesman but he is actually an architect. For an architect he is very insightful and does believe that the person is guilty. Over the course of the movie he gains support from his fellow jurors and gets the accused acquitted. The way he gets the people to talk about it and gain evidence that the person is innocent is what i see as an idol for me. I think he is the best character in the movie because he has opposing views and he is good at explaining why.

Over the Course of the movie, the jurors change thier minds. I believe that number 11 , the immigrant worker at first was sure that the person was guilty, but until the fact that the boy would no go back to the scene of the crime, he changed his decision and went with Not guilty.

No 4 is very stern and very calm and really believed that the person was guilty due to an eye witness. Until the old man told NO 4 that she had marks of wearing eye glasses and she could have the possibilty of not seeing anything from 60 ft without her glasses, No 4 gains reasonable doubt.

The movie in general made me think more about human nature and what would people do to get fame. It makes me believe that maybe most of the eye witnesses are telling most lies just to be part of newspaper. It also makes me think that nothing meets the eye and that every human makes mistakes.

Cyber Bullying :o

General Questions
  • Who is the perpetrator in this case? Who is the target?
  • What acts of cyberbullying have happened in this case? How serious would you rank each one as being?

The Perpetrator is Nazar. This is due to the fact that he was the one that created the website that involved Cyber Bullying.

The Target is Chong Wei. Even though he was the one who started it. The case now stands that he is the victim of Cyber Bullying.

The acts of cyberbullying that has happened in this case is
-Insulting: Posting or spreading false information about a person that will cause harm to that person or that person’s reputation.
Targeting: Singling someone out and inviting others to attack or make fun of her or him.
Harassment: Repeatedly sending someone nasty, mean and insulting messages.

Insulting someone and spreading false information is ranked as the most serious in this case due to how effective it could be to hurt a human being. Targeting is the second most serious because it is not as hurtful as Insulting but singling someone out really brings out the depression out of the target. The least serious but still serious is Harrasement due to the fact that it is not as bad as insulting by making false information.

Nazar: How can you defend your actions?

Nazar could defend his actions by saying that it is not his fault that he created this. He was forced to because Chong Wei was being very mean for no reason at all. There was days where Nazar was crying due to people unfriending him because Chong Wei said to. This is why he was some what desperate to do it. You cannot blame the victim, never blame the victim.


Monday, March 14, 2011
Cyberbullying Scenarios

Civil deals with property rights, personal dignity and freedom from personal injury. Civil penalties consist of fines and limitations on behaviour. 

Criminal law makes certain behaviours illegal and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. (For example, if you don’t get your faulty brakes fixed and you hit another car, that will likely fall under civil law. If you ram another car on purpose, that will fall under criminal law.)

Read each of the scenarios below, and rate the seriousness of each one from 1 to 5, where:

1 = Totally acceptable and appropriate   
2 = Possibly wrong, but no action needs to be taken
3 = Wrong, and school authorities or Internet service providers should take action
4 = Wrong, and civil action could be taken by the target or the target’s parents
5 = Wrong, and criminal charges should be pressed

1.A student posts a negative review of a concert given by another student’s band. The review focuses on the band members’ skill as musicians and the quality of their music.


2. A student posts a story making fun of a teacher, suggesting that he is unqualified to teach. The teacher’s name is not used, but he is clearly recognizable to anyone who knows him.


3. A student uploads to YouTube a video of his band performing a song that makes fun of teachers. No specific teacher is named or is identifiable from the song.


4. A student writes a letter to the school administration stating that a teacher has used improper discipline in class.


5. A student finds that photos of her, which were taken by her (now ex) boyfriend have been uploaded to his Facebook page. Then they were copied and reproduced in many more places, including photo-sharing sites. Her ex-boyfriend says that he is not responsible for what was done with the photos after he uploaded them.


6. A teacher asks students in her class to help write holiday greetings in a variety of languages for the school’s Web site. Without the teacher’s knowledge, one of the students’ contributions is a false and insulting statement against another teacher.


7. During an instant messaging session with several participants, a student accuses her boyfriend of cheating on her.


8. A student creates a Web site in which she criticizes school policies and suggests that several teachers, whom she names, are overly strict in their discipline.


9. A student creates a Facebook group in which he states that one of his teachers is a space alien who is scheming to abduct students and take them to her home planet.

The person who should be punished would be the student.

10. A teacher discovers that students are being pressured by a popular student to remove an unpopular student from their Facebook “friends” lists.


Seeing the World

To an extent people are born with different cultures and that people always see things in different ways. One of the examples given is that when a Malaysian raised child see pork, it is a disgusting animal that should not be eaten. This is not the case for a western family where pork is a delicious delicacy.

Another way that affects how people are seeing the world is through the country they have been raised in. A prime example is that if a person in Afghanistan was accused of adultery, there would be a chance the adulterer would be stoned to death unlike in USA where the adulterer would usually be shunned or embarrassed.

Eye Witness Accounts, Can they be trusted?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Eye Witness Accounts.They are known to help a lot of criminal cases to be solved around the world but are they reliable? Eye witness accounts are also one of the biggest causes for wrongful conviction.

To an extent, there is reasons why eye witness accounts are very good for convictions. First of all, it could be the only evidence that the prosecution has. There are also accounts where the people actually remember and it really helps the case. Finally even though some parts of the accounts are wrong, even if they are 80 -90 % right it will really help the enforcement to find the culprit.

The eyewitnesses accounts can also be unreliable when the witness is distracted or there is a mistake. One huge problem is the fact people have certain prejudices.

DP - Death Penalty

Monday, March 7, 2011
The Death Penalty is a punishment that is given to people that usually have a committed a crime very server in the law of the land. Usually the penalty is irreversible and there is not much opposition as soon as the punishment is set. There are people who believe that it should be abolished and people who say that we should keep.

People who wish for the Death Penalty to be abolished have good points such as
- Many if not all countries are under a Universal Law specifying the rights of every human and implementing the DP is taking out one of the most important rights which is the right to life.
- Sometimes the Innocent are punished and since the PD is irreversible then it is a bad and inhuman to kill a innocent person.
- It can be said from some points of views that the DP does not stop crime and does not act as a deterrent for crime due to the fact that there are many reasons to commit crime such as being poor, the enforcement being bad and most probably the ignorance of information.

People who do not wish for the Death Penalty to be abolished say such as but not limited to
-It is plain murder, an eye for an eye will make the world blind. Even revenge has it's consequence.
-Everyone should have a right to life. This was included in the Declaration of Human Rights created by the UN.
- The enforcement will slack off and this will create problems.

Should Different Offences be given one Fixed Punishment?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I do not think that there should be one fixed punishment for different offences. Each crime is committed by someone for different reasons.

There is a wide range of offences in this world, there should not be one fixed punishment for the different offences this is because some are severe and some are not. Also the range of people that do this crimes. and the reason why these people did it. Depends on why the person did it.

For Example, if someone who is hungry stole one bun from a bakery because he is starving and needs it for his live, I personally do not think he should be punished but instead should be helped. This person is perfectly innocent and is just trying to keep himself alive.
But if there someone who would steal a bun for the fun of it, that is an actual crime.


Monday, February 21, 2011

One problem that many people face in Malaysia is Piracy. In BBC News, It has been reported that at least 70% of the CDs are sold illegal and are fake.

"Two billion pirated music CDs are sold every year, according to figures from the recording industry and the major record labels and film studios are increasingly worried about the impact of piracy on their business."

Oh... my... banana... 2 Billion CDS! That's like if we stack it up we could make a building as tall as a house. or even taller :O. Taller than a Skyscraper even.
This really shows why Piracy is a huge problem in Malaysia.

In today's society it is very easy to find CDs like this in Malaysia. In many streets you will see a lot of stalls that sells alot of CDs. There is many police raids but many people do not get fined as hard.

"One of the teenagers behind a stall said he had been raided many times by the police.
The police took his CDs away and took him to court but he got a fine of only 100 ringgits."

This is a quote that BBC News got from a boy in Malaysia. 100 ringgits. I think if I went to Nando's and ate I probably already finish 100 rm. This shows how unhard the punishments are.

There are a lot of Differences about the laws in Malaysia and other Countries.
In a discussion today we are told that in Australia there is no Death Penalties but in Malaysia there is. This is probably because Malaysia is little or more so based on Sharia Law which is based on Islam.

Another difference is that Malaysia is able to keep someone in a prison for at least 2 years without giving a reason while other countries can only keep it for a few weeks and that's it. That shows a lot of difference in other Countries Law System compared to Malaysians.

Money For My Thoughts


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

‘Offences’ List

Indiviual List
1) Driving under the influence of drugs
2) Drink driving
3) Shoplifting
4) Being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
5) Breaking into a car
6) Solvent abuse
7) Picking a fight
8) Shouting racist abuse
9) Urinating against a wall
10) Doing a paper round at the age of 11

Group List
10) Doing a paper round at the age of 11
9) Urinating agaisnt a wall
8) Shouting Racist abuse
7) Picking a fight
6) Shoplifting
5) Being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit
4) Breaking into a car
3) Shoplifting
2) Drink driving
1) Driving under the influence of drugs.

A. Did you find rating the offensces easy or diffuicult as an individual? It was easy done. Why? It was easy because I have seen alot of these crimes.

B. Did you find rating the offences easy or difficult in a group? It was difficult. WHy? Because Nicole is very picky.

C. What offences caused the most conflict/discussion? Shoplifting Why? This is because that I beleive that shoplifiting should be a higher offence but other people are very stubborn :(

D. What factors do we need to consider when looking at people's perceptions of crimes/offences? We need to see if they had experienced it before, or they have people who know. Also we need to look where they are from and thier background

Which of these are crimes?
Driving under the influence of drugs
Drink- Driving
breaking into a car
shop lifting
shouting racist abuse

Which of them are victimless?
Solvent Abuse

What kinds of punishment would you give to these offences?
Community Service
Threaten them with a bigger punishment next time
Lock them up for a day or a week.

Money For My Thoughts

Crime , My thoughts

Crime is basically when people break the law that has been set. There is a lot of crimes today in this world and in my opinion, will never end. This is why CSI will never run out of seasons because there is always going to be crime.

Crime affects everyone, and everything around it. For example , when someone robs a place it is not only the robber is affected, but also the innocent people that are either being used as a hostage, being killed or even raped. This is all affecting the environment that we live in. Crime also affects how people look at others, no matter what crime they do there is always going to be people who will look at you at disgust and wonder why are you not in jail.

Crimes are caused by many things. They usually come from 3 of these things. Desperation, Forced (peer pressure) or Home. Desperation is a cause for crimes more than ever today due the the raging economy. There is a lot of people who tend to rather live the simple life and not think about the future only to find themselves to a point where they will do anything for money. In certain places of the world there is a lot of people who are forced. Home also affects how people are behaving. If they do not have a role model and someone to guide them , they will be more prone to crime.

Money For My Thoughts

Crime, Suprising Facts

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Some Surprising Facts about Crime!
•    You're 66 times more likely to be prosecuted in the USA than in France

•    If you're in Montserrat, watch your back! Nearly 1% of the population are police officers.

•    Per capita, South Africa has the most assaults, rapes, and murders with firearms.

•    Two-thirds of the world's executions occur in China.

•    America puts many more of its citizens in prison than any other nation.

•    Two-thirds of the world's kidnappings occur in Colombia.

•    Venezuela is one of the happiest and most murderous places in the world.

•    Russia has almost twice as many judges and magistrates as the United States. Meanwhile, the United States has 8 times as much crime.

•    In the Maldives, there are more than 2 jails for every 1000 people.

•    One in every three Australians is a victim of crime.

•    In pure number terms, more crimes are committed in America than in any other nation. The same goes for burglaries, car thefts, rapes and assaults.

•    The United States puts 0.7 % of its population in Prison - a vastly higher percentage than any other nation.

•    India’s criminal courts acquitted over a million defendants in 1999, more than the next 48 surveyed countries combined.

•    Women make up more than 10% of the prison population in only six countries: Thailand, , Qatar, Paraguay, Costa Rica, and Singapore.

•    People trust Swedes! Swedish companies are the world’s least-likely to be perceived as paying bribes.

•    84% of people in Finland feel that they are at a low risk of experiencing a burglary - but just look at how many burglaries they have!  

Here are some interesting facts about crime. I have highlighted what I thought to be interesting. Most of them are interesting especially about the Finland fact because I have lived in Finland for at least 4 to 5 years and i had no idea people were so afraid of burglary. W

Money For My Thoughts

5 quotes about law :O

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
5 Quotes I like about law

"Taste cannot be controlled by law."
Thomas Jefferson

"Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment."
Mohandas Gandhi

"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged."
Ronald Reagan

"The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice."
Benjamin Franklin

"One who breaks an unjust law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law"
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Money For My Thoughts.

Law and Criminality.

Law. Many people respect it. Who wouldn't? It's something every society needs, a light that beacons a better way into the future. But like all light, there is always a shadow or darkness within it. This darkness which I speak of is Crimes. There are a number of people, who break the law. Who do not wish to respect it or follow it. For whatever reason, breaking a law is a crime.

When you think further, is the law a divine order from God? No it isn't, it is created by humans to keep people in check, to make sure they do not cause havoc. The law is not complete justice. Like everything that is important in this world, it is used over and over again, for good reasons and bad reasons. For example , the law in a good light is when a person has murdered a human being and is punished to life in prison this is justice. In other examples though.. the law could help destroy a elder woman's bank account due to a high cooperate company wishing to gain all it's profits. This is why Law is not always justice.

Justice is not Law either, because Justice is about being fair. Law is not always about being fair. People do not just use Law to create justice. Most people who do not believe that law is justice creates their own brand, most of the time it is in a bad context. For example, a man who had no idea about law just lost alot of his money because people stole it. His brand of justice would be to either harm them or kill them, just to take his money back.

Finally, Law has flaws. Law isn't perfect, it was created by humans and by past history, no human is perfect. There is many examples when Law is flawed and I have explained them before. Law is like a clock, it needs it's springs and clockworks to work and this comes from evidence presented. Law is run by humans and evidence can be twisted and abused. So a murderer can walk away free, a child molester home by tomorrow and a bank robber out in a week. All this due to not enough evidence and us humans not being able to lock them up. This is why us humans need to work together, to make sure we will always respect the law, no matter the situation. Because if we do not, our world will always be in turmoil.

Money For My Thoughts

Feed Back Part 2

Friday, February 4, 2011
 Here is some examples of good feedback. When it comes to Feed back you have to be
  1. Short and Sharp like a dagger
  2. Clear as the glass that has been newly polished
  3. Understandable like 1+1 = 2
  4. Finally, Give Targets like the Military.

I will write about what is great about both of these things. Later in time. I will be on hiatus due to some family problems and it's the first time I'm sick in a long time. THank you for your cooperation.

Feed Back

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Feedback, most students in the world believe that Feedback is a very bad and unusual thing. In reality it is something that we all students need to progress through our learning. There is nothing in this world that has been made without Feedback. With good feedback we will be able to learn our targets and we will be able to find out what we need to improve to advance to the next step.

There is always 2 sides to a coin, and Feedback is no exception. There is good feedback and bad feedback.

Good Feedback -

  • "Your constructive structure of your paragraph, but also the fact that the content is not that good could be improved"
  • There is different targets that needs to be taken in order to create the presentation to be more"
When you give Good feedback, the impacts will not only be beneficial to you but also to the person who is getting the feedback. When receiving good feedback you will get a clear understanding of what you need to improve. As the person who gives good feedback, you will be able to learn also what you need to improve as you will also gain knowledge from your own understanding.

Bad Feedback -
  • "dude... way awesome... there is nothing more awesome than yours dude....
  • Dude... A star... so many A stars"
When you give Bad feed back, the impacts will be as minimal as you patting someone on the head. It will cause minimal affect and it sometimes is annoying, unless they like it. There is nothing that we help using bad feedback.

So make sure you understand and comment so i can also be able to create a better post (y) THX :P

Money for my thoughts...

Reponse to Grumpy people

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Well a few days ago i posted how to conserve, and someone commented that i haven't put up explanation.. well now I will just for their sake or I will lose followers.....

1) If you put too much of water inside stuff and over fill it, you waste water that could be used for something esle, you could use it to give to children that need it, don't you care about children?

2) It's easier to put water in the refrigiator instead of putting ice because ice = water and water = gold, do you want to lose gold, and again... don't you care about the children that are thirsty?

3) Like No.1 you shouldn't waste water, because did you know that only 3% of the Earth's water is pure, if we lose that 3% , we will see who is laughing when I will not waste water and you will be drinking poison. :O (joking.. I will share the water, since I care bout the children)

4) In normal toilets there is a full flush and half flush, as the name says.. full flush is when you use all of the water and half flush is when you use half of the water,  do not use full flush when you just took a nice little no 2. Think about the water wasted and the children.

5) The AC is a very good device to waste water, sometimes it is needed in hot weather but you shouldn't use it all the time, because not only does it hurt the water supply of earth, it releases greenhouse gases which hurts our Earth, so this time.. not only you care about the children... care about our Earth.

I hope this helped people who are very grumpy ... and now I will let you see a sweet pics :O and think about the CHILDREN!!!

Money for my thoughts :P

5 ways to conserve Water :O

Monday, January 10, 2011

Conserving water is a very big deal due to that water could be scarce. So here are a few ways to conserve water.

1) Do not be greedy, add the right amount...
When you put too much water into the bath, the cup etc.

2) Don't waste water, put water in the refrigerator.

3) When you wash your hand, try not to leave the water running.

4) Use Half Flush instead of Full flush.

5)Don't use the AC in cold weather.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011
This will be my first thought on this blog, My name is Zahir and I am 15. This will be where I will be putting my thoughts for GP (Global Perspective). Over a span of months I will be posting about many links and stuffs.. yes... stuffs. :O SO yeah..

- Money for my thoughts :P